About Farm Weigh

Our software has been carefully designed to help make your operations more efficient and accurate. We pride ourselves in providing a superior product and an elevated level of support to meet your needs.


          • Scale company developed software, NOT a software company developed software for scale interfaces.
          • All input screens are optimized for touchscreen input.
          • Will work with all types of scales and manufacturers.
          • Up to 10 or more items of information we can collect per ticket.
          • Will customize software for YOUR wants and needs.

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How It Works


      • Digital indicator (electronic read out for scale)
      • Serial (rs232) to ethernet output on scale indicator
      • Internet at site of computer (if you don’t have it, you can use a hotspot, or in-person support)

*all of these can be supplied by Farm Weigh



      • Call and order the software.
      • During the call, we will determine everything needed for set up (hardware, scale types, etc.)
      • Quote is sent to you, signed with 1/3 down, and final bill is sent after setup.
      • Ship any needed hardware and download software.
      • Phone support for set up via Team Viewer (in-person support available, if applicable)

We have all the hardware you will need to get started. Give us a call for more information.


Farm Weigh Software can save you time and leaves less room for errors than manual data entry. Our software gives you the ability to:


          • export data directly to MS Excel by farm, field, and/or shares
          • know your wet bushels to dry instantly after each weighment
          • customize your tickets based on the data you would like to see
          • print tickets automatically or manually
          • track inbound and outbound inventory in real time

Moister Meters

Outside Remote Displays

RF Card Readers

Serial Over Ethernet