Sales & Service Agent for Swisca Scales for Grain and Milled Product Weighing

Southern Illinois Scale partners with Swisca as a sales and service agent, stocking a range of spare parts and having specialist trained technicians for grain and milled product weighing scales.For a constant and exact measure of grain mixtures, the scale is used below silos, raw product bins and tempering bins.…

Swisca Scales for Grain and Milled Product Weighing

Southern Illinois Scale partners with SWISCA as a sales and service agent, stocking a range of spare parts and having specialist trained technicians for grain and milled product weighing scales. For a constant and exact measure of grain mixtures, the scale is used below silos, raw product bins and tempering bins.…

Weigh-In-Motion Rail Scale with FB400 Instrument

Southern Illinois Scale has extensive experience in dynamic and static rail scales, and partners with Fairbanks to combine the proven reliability of the 2000 Series aboveground railroad track scale with new in-motion weighing capability. As a train moves over the 2000 Series WIM Scale at 3 to 4 mph, wheel…

Join with SISC

We are looking for an enthusiastic energetic person to join our SISC team in Noble IL to work in our production shop and provide assistance to our welders and scale technicians.  We will provide training on electronics assembly but some knowledge of electronics and soldering is desirable.  Contact us today…

Southern IL Scale has put together an axleWEIGHr

To better prepare you for 2021, Southern IL Scale has put together an axleWEIGHr check-up package to ensure your axleWEIGHr is ready for operations. The package includes:One of our trained technicians on site to inspect your axleWEIGHrLift the deck, clean and inspect the load cells, cabling and overall functionalityAn in-motion…